Find Employment &
Training Services
- In Ontario -
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Yonge Street Mission - Ontario Employment Services

365 Spadina Ave Toronto Toronto ON M5T 2G3 Canada
416-929-9614 ext 2278
Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm by appointment; contact for drop-in employment services schedule
Self-service information and resources: anyone, including people with jobs, those who are under-employed, people looking for work, students, apprentices, internationally trained individuals, employers

Assisted services (such as supported job search, job matching and placement, job retention services): people who are unemployed and out of school

Better jobs Ontario: Individuals who have been unemployed for six months or longer and are part of a low-income household

Youth Job Connection: Ontario residents 15-29 years who are eligible to work in Canada, unemployed, not attending school full time and experiencing multiple barriers to employment

Youth Job Connection Summer: Ontario high school students 15-18 years intending to stay in, or return to high school or go on to postsecondary education after the job placement; focus on those facing challenging life circumstances and at risk of experiencing poor transitions between education and work

Employers can get help in identifying their human resource skill requirements, matching of position/workplace needs to participants' skills, capabilities, interests and experience, and support for developing on-the-job training plans and monitoring of placements to support success and retention
Call or drop in; for general information on Employment Ontario services call the toll-free Employment Ontario Contact Centre at 1-800-387-5656 (TTY 1-866-533-6339) or visit
Wheelchair accessible main entrance and ground floor, assistance needed with door ; Wheelchair accessible washroom, assistance needed with door

Comprehensive employment and job search services including:

  • assessment of skills, interests and experience, job search strategies, including resume preparation
  • information about careers and occupations, local labour market, employment and training opportunities
  • on-the-job training and work experience
  • help in maintaining employment
  • information and referral to other employment and community services

Better Jobs Ontario Program
Skills training and financial support for unemployed workers

  • training program must demonstrate good job prospects
  • financial support based on need, may include tuition, instructional costs, books, transportation and/or a basic living allowance

Services for employers
Help in identifying human resource skills requirements

  • matching of workplace needs to workers' skills, capabilities, interests and experience
  • support for developing on-the-job training plans and monitoring of placements to support retention

Youth Job Connection
Paid pre-employment training

  • job matching and paid job placements with placement supports for participants
  • mentorship and education and work transitions supports
  • hiring incentives for employers

Youth Job Connection Summer

  • paid pre-employment services
  • summer employment opportunities
  • part-time jobs available during school year as long as they don't conflict with school
  • mentorship, job-coaching and help returning to school after the program ends
Nonprofit - Incorporated
Findhelp Information Services
August 27, 2024