You have left the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development website and are now on Find Employment & Training Services owned by Findhelp, a community service provider.

Privacy Statement

When you visit this site it is important for you to know that your privacy is important to us. This page details Findhelp Information Services’, hereto referred to as “Findhelp,” policies on privacy-related matters.

General Statement

Findhelp neither collects personal information about its users nor receives personally identifiable information about its users unless the user volunteers it. On occasion when users provide information to us (for example, email address) it is held in the strictest of confidence. If information is provided to us it is not shared with any outside organization or website (including government agencies related to the funding of this website).

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

This material is intended for general information purposes only and should not be distributed, copied or disclosed to anyone else. Its contents are protected by privilege, and all rights to privilege are expressly claimed and not waived. Further, any information that is confidential or personal will be subject to the FOIPP Act and other relevant legislation.

Confidentiality Warning

Findhelp strives to ensure confidentiality in its communications (web, email, chat and text). Nevertheless the Internet should not be considered a secure medium and privacy cannot be guaranteed. Findhelp will not be responsible for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of the transmission of confidential information that you make to Findhelp, or that you expressly or implicitly authorize Findhelp to make, or for any errors or any changes made to any transmitted information.

This website measures site visits, using Google Analytics, but does not collect or maintain information on the identity of such users.


Findhelp shall be free to use, for any purpose, any ideas, concepts, know-how or other techniques contained in information provided to Findhelp through the Site or sent through email. Findhelp shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding any such information submitted to it unless specifically agreed to by Findhelp, or required by law.

Findhelp may use comments submitted by users about the Site for promotional purposes. Findhelp will seek written permission of the user before publishing his or her personal name, organization or program name or direct comment. Findhelp may combine comments and attribute them to pseudonyms without seeking permission of the users.

Linked Websites

Findhelp does not review the privacy policies of entities that link their websites to this website. Findhelp’s policies relating to collection, use and disclosure of personal information as described in this Privacy Statement do not govern the activities of such linked parties in relation to users’ personal information submitted via such linked websites. Users should review the privacy statements and policies of such entities prior to submitting personal information thereto.


We have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information you provide.

Access to Personal Information

You have the right to request and obtain from Findhelp the personal information Findhelp has about you. If you have any such requests or questions about your privacy in relation to the FEATS website please contact us:

Privacy Officer
Findhelp Information Services
1000 – 1 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto, ON
M4V 1K6